Hi friends! What a journey this pregnancy has been! Thankful to finally have Cyrus Alexander Newton here born 11/19/17! I now truly understand the meaning of no pregnancy is the same, this one definitely tested us in every way. I experienced many highs and lows during this pregnancy, and it caused me to have step away from sharing blogs (which I missed). The priority was ensuring Cyrus and myself were healthy, along with taking care of the home.
One of the obstacles we faced during this pregnancy was Gestational Diabetes. I have never had it with any of my previous pregnancies. It was a tough pill to swallow, but I took it in stride. Unfortunately, we never could get it regulated and even had to be put on insulin. Ugh! I battled with this daily until the very end.
Every step of the way I was challenged in some capacity during this pregnancy. Even up until labor delivery. I you can believe this I went in the hospital at midnight due to regular contractions. However, I didn’t continue to dilate at the hospital so my doctor discharged me as she didn’t think I was ready. Within 15 minutes of being home I started having contractions that felt like death, and my husband insisted we return to the hospital. He raced down the highway going 110 mph made it to the hospital in one piece and Cyrus arrived the next hour! Such a whirlwind, but so thankful we had healthy baby boy and no major complications. Cyrus had some challenges with low blood sugar and body temperatures, but overcame them like a champ!
This pregnancy has been by far the hardest of all 3, and has taught me so much along the way.
I am not a glamorous pregnant person. My nose spreads, I blow up, skin get darkened in random areas. Basically any unwanted body change I get. I thought this pregnancy would be different, but of course it wasn’t. This time around I learned to embrace the not fun part about pregnancy. I realized I can’t change it, this is how my body responds in order to build a human. And at the end of day I am growing a life, who really cares. The best thing I could do was get this mentality, it gave me more confident and allowed me to embrace the way I looked flaws and all. P.S. If your body changes has you not being motivated to do maternity pictures, still DO IT! I made myself take pictures, and so happy I did!
Its ok to not be ok. I may speak for myself on this one, but I always try to juggle everything. BUT this pregnancy took me completely out. I had to open up and tell my husband I can’t wear all the hats I normally do without assistance. My husband had to step up in a major way and help out around the house more and with the kids. My mom stepped up and cooked meals for us when I couldn’t. Finally realizing that asking for help or allowing others to help you, doesn’t take away from my greatness. Teamwork truly is the major factor that allowed us to get through every thing we experienced.
Nothing will go according to plan any that is ok. I had all these ideas on how I wanted my final pregnancy to go. God was like Taryn have several seats, I decide how this will go. Starting with not getting my girl. I am not sure why God decided to bless us with another boy, but I know it is for a purpose. I trust that if I was supposed to have a little girl I would have, and for comfort in that. Cyrus is perfect and wouldn’t change it. This was a tough pill to swallow knowing I wouldn’t have a little gymnast or cheerleader. I am completely outnumbered now with my husband, 3 boys, and boy pup Conan.
Nevertheless, we are grateful for every high and low moment that led to Cyrus arriving. Our life has a new normal, and every day becoming more adjusted to having 3 kids. I will say it hasn’t been easy, and getting better daily.
Soo..what does that mean for blogging and posting a social media. Slowly but surely I hope to get back to blogging and sharing on social media. I will focus on more of a life & style as my love for fashion is such a small portion of who I am. I will cover all topics from motherhood, home, fashion, fitness and whatever I feel compelled to post. 🙂 My goal is to post weekly a new blog, well that is if Boss Baby allows. ha! Hope you will continue to follow me on this journey.