Having a busy week? Curious how to make it easier? Keep reading to see my tips to help make the busy week easier…

Curious how to make the busy week easier? Dallas Lifestyle Blogger Glamorous Versatility is sharing her top tips to help make the busy week easier! See them here!

Curious how to make the busy week easier? Dallas Lifestyle Blogger Glamorous Versatility is sharing her top tips to help make the busy week easier! See them here!

Now that we are pushing through on the school year,  the Newton household is full steam ahead. School has started, Fall sports are happening, and life’s schedule has become so much busier. It can be difficult juggling life as a working mom, business owner, wife, and mom of 3. It takes a lot of organization, time management, and finding areas you can simplify life.  

The biggest thing I can’t stress enough is establish an after work/school routine.  This will help you frame your busy week, keep the children on a schedule, and allow you to stay organized. I will be showing you on the blog how to organize your fridge and schedule to make your week efficient!

Easy Tips to Help Make the Busy Week Easier + Manage a Busy Evening Weekly Schedule

Plan time for preparation

Lack of preparation always causes my household to eat whatever, miss appointments, and run late.  Taking time to map out my week is crucial to having it run smoothly.

On Saturday mornings I plan out the weekly meals before I order my groceries.  This allows me to map out dinner, so we don’t end up just getting fast food every night.  If your schedule is packed
I recommend doing 2 things.  First, make large portions of dinner and store it for leftovers.  Secondly, pick up quick dinner meals that can be done within 30 minutes.

Curious how to make the busy week easier? Dallas Lifestyle Blogger Glamorous Versatility is sharing her top tips to help make the busy week easier! See them here!

Sample family meal schedule:

Monday – Leftovers from Sunday

Tuesday – Pick up Rotisserie, make simple sides

Wednesday – Cook quick dinner Tacos or Quesadillas

Thursday – Cook large meal

Friday – Leftovers or go out

Saturday – Go out to eat

Sunday – Cook large dinner I.e. Chili

Curious how to make the busy week easier? Dallas Lifestyle Blogger Glamorous Versatility is sharing her top tips to help make the busy week easier! See them here!

If you are planning out your meals it is important to also stay organized with what’s in your refrigerator. With minimal time it is important to know where my snacks are if I am packing the diaper bag. Or where the items are I plan to use for dinner.

Curious how to make the busy week easier? Dallas Lifestyle Blogger Glamorous Versatility is sharing her top tips to help make the busy week easier! See them here!

When we purchased our home we knew we needed a refrigerator that would be spacious, and had various compartments to store everything we needed. Who knew fridge shopping would be so tough?! After checking out a ton of refrigerators we decided on our Samsung refrigerator.  It fit everything we needed and more. The freezer fits all of our meats for meal prep, plus all my stored breast milk! The middle pull out drawer allows me to store anything from our lunch for the next day to my bottle of wine.

Having a fridge that accommodates your family size is key for planning and preparing meals a week in advance. I started getting compartments for my fridge that allow me to easily see all snacks and ingredients to pull out items quickly. I strongly recommend doing a great clean out of your fridge if you haven’t already, to make it easier to know exactly what you have to make your time more efficient. I didn’t really realize how our refrigerator is basically our foundation for all the house happenings.  It’s somewhat of our meeting spot, whether its the dogs running up when they hear the ice machine or the boys getting their afternoon drinks/snacks. Be organized and ensure you have fridge to accommodate your life.


Yes we are busy in this season of life, but enjoy this season while its here. Kinda of crazy but in just 7 years Cam will be off to college, so I try to soak up all these moments before my kids are old and grown.

Also, my boys pick up the energy I put off, so if I am running around like a crazy person.  It doesn’t do anything good for our household. I can only do what I can do and barking because thing are hectic doesn’t make anything productive.

Remember you are only 1 person.

Know when to simplify

The best advice I could have ever given myself is to remember that you simply cannot do it all.  With that, cooking 5 days a week was just hard to achieve during our busy season. My goal is to cook about 2 major meals and 1 easy meal. I am not ashamed about running into Market Street and grabbing a Rotisserie! It’s quick and easy then I just pair it with veggies and brown rice and call it good! Also, to cut back on your cooking make large portions so you can eat it later in the week. Leftovers are you friend!

Curious how to make the busy week easier? Dallas Lifestyle Blogger Glamorous Versatility is sharing her top tips to help make the busy week easier! See them here!

Make it a team effort

There are 5 people in this house (well really 4 because all Cyrus can do is sit there and look cute), and all of us need to contribute to the success of our week.

Curious how to make the busy week easier? Dallas Lifestyle Blogger Glamorous Versatility is sharing her top tips to help make the busy week easier! See them here!

Husband – We have weekly family business meetings where we discuss finances and the household schedule.  At this time I give him the rundown on what kid needs to be where and at what time. With Calvin now in activities we will sometimes split off and each get the boys where they need to be.  We divide our tasks if I am cooking, Rick will be responsible for getting the boys dressed for practice (boys always need help with their football and soccer gear). And he will pack the babies diaper bag.

Kids – Their first priority is to do any homework, and of course give them a little down time.  After that they go right into their chores. We use the app Chore Monster and it has been helpful with the boys knowing exactly what they have to do and on what day. It cuts back on the amount that I need to remind the boys. After homework Cameron will go to his app and review his tasks for the day.

Being the old brother he somewhat oversees Calvin to make sure he stays on tasks, and he makes sure the dogs are taken care of.

You are not alone so be sure to delegate to the other members of your family whenever you can.

Don’t over commit yourself

Curious how to make the busy week easier? Dallas Lifestyle Blogger Glamorous Versatility is sharing her top tips to help make the busy week easier! See them here!

Yes I generally try to follow our schedule, but being a family of 5 things always come up.  Whether it is a school event, church outing, the list goes on. I have to remind myself always that it is ok to say no and not over commit.  

Stay engaged

Yes we have a busy schedule and it seems that we are always coming and go.  However, we are doing it as a unit. Every day we eat together, go to the kids activities together, and we always come home and have family time together before bed.  Don’t let the busyness keep you from being present with your children and husband.

This is a small glimpse into how I manage my weekly evening routine.  Just never forget you are only one person!

Curious how to make the busy week easier? Dallas Lifestyle Blogger Glamorous Versatility is sharing her top tips to help make the busy week easier! See them here!

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Here are more details on my Samsung Fridge. All Items are linked below

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