Creating goals has always been important to me. Recently, my husband shared at our Life group that one of his favorites traits of mine was that I am determined to achieve and that I am great at having a vision and executing it. Yea, I was shocked that he said that too! haha! However, to be honest I already kind of knew that about myself, but it was great that my husband acknowledged it. Everyone has strengths and weakness, trust I have plenty of things I am working on. BUT goal setting and making a plan is not one of them.
Before the year started I made goals for 2019, I have long term and short term goals, and I have accountability partners to ensure I meet them. While that is great that I actively want to succeed, I am not a family of 1. So what if I am meeting all of individual goals, if my family is remaining stagnate.
It is just as important for me to create family goals and visions. Rick and I just sat down to do a check in on how we are doing with meeting our family goals, and I thought I would chat about it on my blog. Because I think it is important to have individual goals, but if you are family, or a couple with kids. You have to be goal setting as a family. It helps us to push ahead and never be stagnate.
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Let me start with sharing a few over our family goals.
- Strengthen our relationship with God as a family – For us we want a relationship over religion. And I want our children to feel and understand that relationship early on. Action: We regularly attend church and are involved in church. However, we want to consistently have our family bible study nights at home where we study the bible together. Another thing we want to do is be consistent with praying together as a family. Lastly, we are having bible verse each week that we want to reflect and integrate in our everyday life. This is a major goal for our family to remain consistent.
- Become debt-free – I will be doing a praise dance when this happens! We are expected to be pseudo debt-free this year. I say pseudo because we will still have our home. However, we want all petty debt to be gone this year. Action: Maintain our family budget. Our family budget is established and target to help us keep our budget in check and allow us to save along with pay off debt. If we follow this budget we should be able to get rid of all petty debt this year.
- Eat 5/7 meals at the dinner table – I know for some this may be easy and is already done, but for our family we are always on the go. Sometimes we are eating on our way out of the house for practice. Coming in late from practice. We want to do better with creating a dinner routine. It’s important that we do this because the dinner table is a great place to have dialogue with your children. Action:Prepare more crock pot meals, so when I get in from work the meal is already done and we can sit down together at the dinner table.
- Travel More – We spent more years than what we should have not traveling. We thought it was too expensive and a full mentality shift needed to happen. This year we are dedicated to traveling regularly with our kids big and small trips. Action: We created a travel budget early last year that helped us increase travel. This year we are mapping out trips based on budget to allow us to keep traveling regularly.
I think first you have to create and outline and vision of where do you want your family to be at in 10-15 years. While God, will of course change that plan in second I think it is important to get an overall general goal.
Steps to creating your own family goals:
Establish what is you would like to see happen – This is where you identify, what are some things you want to happen in your family that isn’t currently. What are some areas of improvement? At this time with your spouse assess what are the changes you would like to see done. Allow both of you to make a list. When we make a list it helps us easily frame it into our family goals.
Your goals here should relate to the entire family. Some of the questions I ask is, how are my kids doing? What can be improved with my children’s character? For us, where are we struggling? How can we experience new things?
When we make a list it helps us easily frame it into our family goals.Create your family goals – After you have made a list of opportunities for improvement you then build these into goals. Example. Let’s say children are struggling in school, my goal would be consistently have them attend tutoring and us a parents increasing or study time with them.
We typically have 5 major goals for the year. Of course we will have smaller goals that we would like to achieve but we typically keep it to 5 core goals to help push our family ahead. When you are building yours do what works best for your family. I know for my boys if I do too many they will probably forget. HAHA.
Family Business Meeting – Once my husband and I have established our goals we sit down as a family and share what our yearly and monthly goals are to the boys. To keep the boys attention I normally put them on board to make it fun for them.
I share with them how the steps that we will do to get to our goals, along with sharing why we thought it was important to make these goals. We then check in on our goals every couple weeks to make sure we are working to our goals. The check-ins are also a time to assess if the goals are realistic or if another action plan needs to be made to reach the goal. There has been many times that we have to adjust our plan because we are progressing towards achieving our goal.
As Cameron is getting older we have been stressing to him the important of creating his own individual goals as well.
It sounds pretty simple but the tough part is holding each other accountable. Keep pushing each other, give the kiddos tasks they can perform. Example: Since one of our goals is to eat at the dinner table more we give the kids a task to set the table and prepare for us to eat together. I know this may seem like a small task but I want the kids to feel like they are help us reach our goals.
Your goals can be whatever is best for your family. They can be big or small goals! The mission here is keep pushing your family to be the best version of themselves.
What are some of your family goals this year? Comment below.
Did you know that we started a new FAMILY VLOG?! If you didn’t know please click here to go to our new channel. We are excited to share transparent moments and give you all a deeper look into our family life. Check out our latest video below.
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