Sundays is my week to restore and prep for the week ahead. It’s so easy to get busy doing life that we don’t always stop and gather ourselves for the week. Once Cyrus came along it was a major game changer and required me to really get more organized and plan ahead. Having a young child and a baby it’s imperative I be organized.
We typically go to the early service at church, so since I am early rise I normally get up and before have some quiet time and prepared for the week ahead.
I wanted to share how I prepare myself for the week ahead on Sundays:
- Update my planner – I take this time to update the planner I already made, and then make any changes because our schedules are always changing. After I update it I then get in sync and actually look at the appointments and events for the week. While I have trained myself to regularly look at my planner I still like to look it over on Sunday and just get an idea of what my week will look like.
- Meal prep – I do my grocery shopping on Sundays so I plan all my meals out for the week. I establish whats day we will eat out, cook days, and left over day. Each week I cook 2-3 times.
- Plan boys clothing – This is not something I would always do in the past, but the way my schedule has been its imperative that I lay their clothes out. I have them organized, stacked in their closet, and labeled for each day. If your mornings are pretty busy and/or you have boys that don’t know the concept of matching.
- Assign chores – I am working basically 3 jobs right now, and I am not complaining but this mama cannot do it all on her own. With that, it has to all hands on deck to keep this home halfway put together. While I shared we do have a cleaning women that comes 2 times/month there is still quite a bit of upkeep on our home. The boys use Chore Monster, which is an app that I put all their chores on it and they get rewards. I update it, give them points for chores that have been completed. I also write out the chores I need my husband to helped with.
- Goal Setting – I am always making goals for myself and the family. I think it has helped us growth so much. Each week I check in on my goals, hold myself accountable, and then establish my weekly goals.
Bonus Task: On Sunday some point during the day Rick and I will do our Family business meeting to prep for the family operations.
These are simple tasks you can do to help you prepare for the upcoming week! I know life can be naturally busy, but you can be prepared for it and make it more efficient.
I created a space in our office that is relaxing and allows me space to close the doors and getaway and just get organized. It has become one of my favorite small spaces in our home. It was in desperate need of an upgrade so I teamed up with Serena & Lily to enhance my space and make it more cozy.
My Serena & Lily Pieces (Click on picture for more details):
Anybody else prep on Sundays? If so, what task help you prepare?
*Sponsored post with Serena & Lily, all thoughts of our my own.*