When I am wanting to dress things up I always love wearing maxi dress. Maxi dresses make great date night looks! Whenever I have the opportunity to get dolled up for my husband I like taking care of it.
Now I don’t always dress up like this for our date nights, but I mentioned previously I have chosen to go that extra mile. To really be more intentional in our marriage. Are you in a relationship rut? Don’t worry I have been there, everyone has.
Here’s a few things to consider to help perk up your date nights.
– Choose to dress up: This will instantly elevate the date night and make you both feel that you are doing something out the ordinary. It makes us feel like we value the date more, and care how we look at each other. Not to mention, by dressing up you it will definitely be easy to keep each others attention.
– Pick a dinner or activity neither of you have tried: Part of the reason we were in a rut is our life is always about the business of our family. Whether it is the operations of the kids or paying bills. We have a set schedule we follow in order to make our household smoothly. And naturally, our date nights started to run the exact same way. We would just run around the corner and pick up the same food we always get. We vowed to always switch up our date nights. This kept us looking forward to the night, and allowed us to try something new.
– Be spontaneous: I sometimes cringe at the word spontaneous. I am very much a creature of habit. We have our date nights schedule. And while that is fine, it can sometimes add to the problem of being on a mundane cycle. Just last week we had no plans to go out, and the kids were acting wild. And we both looked at each other and said let’s get out for a date night. It was fun to enjoy each other’s company.
– Keep the kid talk to a minimum: We are with our kids 24/7. It’s easy to allow our kids to start running our life. Especially since my kids have a busier schedule than I do. However, when we break out from being with the kids we don’t talk about the kids unless we have to. That gives us time to focus on us, rekindling our relationship. Because ultimately if Rick and I aren’t at 100% it can effect other branches of our household.
– Incorporate other couples: While you may not opt to do this every time, it can be a nice change of pace occasionally. To get out and circle yourself around other couples that prioritize their relationship is refreshing. A lot of times when we are out I share similar stories with the wives. Having other couples around you that are rooting for the success of your marriage is so important. We always have a blast when we do date nights with other couples.
– Date night at home: We love our home, and we never really get to be in our home without the kids. Consider switching it up and drop the kids off to a sitter and dating at home! Enjoy the things in your home that you always have to share with the kids. We tried it and it was relaxing and fun!
The options are endless with sprucing up your date night. It starts with both of you making a conscience effort to take action on making date night fun and in turn making your relationship exciting. We recently got the tip to make your date night a night on the ton and then booking a nice hotel. We are excited to try that one out next month!