Happy Earth Day! I know for some you may have not even know that today is Earth day.  Also, some of you may not know what are some acts to be more conscience about preserving our planet.  I get it…I know for me it is not always easy to do major initiatives such as riding my bike to work.  I’m sorry but that is not happening when I live 16 miles from work. There are ways to still be more Eco-friendly!

I wanted to share some easy tasks for you to do to help preserve our planet on Earth day and EVERY DAY! Some of these we are really working with our boys so they can be conscience about this too.

Reduce your water usage – We had a definite area of improvement here.  I am the queen of turning on my shower and then doing a million other things.

Switching to Non-Toxic household cleaners

Recycle – If you are not recycling then you need to start.  This is probably the easiest step to be more green.  You can grab a recycling bin and then check out the recycling pick-up services in your area.  It’s a super easy step to do at home, that is simply changing the bin that you dispose your product.

Plant something – Let me just first put this disclaimer out here that I am not saying go crazy and have a whole garden in your backyard. Planting a tree only helps reduce greenhouse gas and carbon in the air!

Take a day off from meat  – Converse all the energy when possible.

Clean up your neighborhood – The boys and I do this periodically.  It started because my boys are so fortunate, and I feel it is important to keep them regularly doing tasks to serve. We tell them if you want your planet to stay here you gotta keep it clean.

Save a Tree – Are you a paper hoarder? I was!  Take a second and think about the areas that you use paper, that you probably don’t have to.  Change those bills over to paperless, use your notes on our phone or google docs.  Simple way to making a step to be more green.

No more plastic bags – If you do the grocery shopping and you are using plastic bags, consider switching over to reusable groceries bags.  Most groceries stores have reusable bags you can purchase!

Sale your items – I am sure there are items that you can live without, and rather than pocketing that money donate it so an Eco-friendly organization.

Turn off your electronics when not in use

Make Recycled Crafts – Calvin is our arts and crafts kid. He absolutely loves doing various projects.  Challenge yourself to use majority items that would have been recycled.

Use LED Bulbs – Last longer PLUS way more efficient!

Carpool – If my husband and I worked closer this would definitely be something we would do! Especially if you live in an area with tolls! Something to consider if it is feasible to pull off

These are challenges for myself as well, because I want to make sure we have an Eco-friendly household, but I know that it starts with me! What are you doing for Earth Day?

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